Team Slogan Help From the Olympic Home Team

For some of you, one of the things on your list this time of year is select a slogan to rally the team around for the coming season. You are likely looking for something to inspire and motivate your players and fans.

Since the Olympics are in full swing in Beijing, why not get some slogan inspiration from the home team. The Chinese are kicking butt, so these slogans must work!

Here is an article from Geoffrey York of the Globe and mail.

BEIJING – If you’re wondering how China’s athletes have managed to win so many gold medals so fast, you might consider how much pressure they face from their coaches and state officials.

It’s just one of the many reasons for their success, but it must be a factor. Everyone in China is pushing them to be the best in the world, to bring glory to the country in its Olympic year.

Consider, for example, the official slogans at their training sessions. Here are some of the slogans printed on the walls of the Chinese training camps, as collected on the China Digital Times website:

From the training camp of the Chinese weightlifting team: “The motherland is above everything; strike for gold in the Olympics; lift up the world; hold up hope; stay away from steroids.”

From the training camp of the Chinese shooting team: “Die in the fight for the gold, instead of surviving just for the sake of participation.”

From the training camp of the Chinese gymnastics team: “Leaders put pressure, subordinates put pressure. Pressure each other. Pressure oneself. There will be no breakthrough if one does not take the hardest hardship; there will be no champion if one does not go through the ultimate pressure.”

Who said fun had to be part of sport….

The Off-Season is Upon Us–Time to Get Training

Now that the excitement of the NHL free agency spending spree seems to have run its course, it is time for hockey players to switch focus. For you Canadian players out there, July 1, Canada Day, celebrations are long over. The same goes for any Americans with July 4th hangovers long since cleared up.

The off-season is when the serious conditioning work has to be done. Ideally, you have a great summer program that your team has tailored to your particular training needs. Or, you are working with a personal trainer to meet these same objectives.

Time is running out.

Major junior camps start in late August, only 8 week away.

NHL rookie camps have about 9 to 10 weeks before they start.

University and college programs will be hitting the ice in roughly 12 weeks.

Minor hockey and senior programs are also about 12 weeks away from starting.

Ideally, a hockey player needs about 12 weeks of quality training to be able to go into the pre-season with conditioning components like the energy systems, strength, and flexibility at the levels where they need to be.

It is never too late to start.

Need help?

The Hockey Conditioning Handbook comes to this site this week as a downloadable ebook. The handbook contains all the information you need to put together a great off-season training program.

The ebook also has the training information you need to get you through the rest of your hockey year: In-Season, Post-Season and Pre-Season training in a nutshell. The material is easy to use and includes illustrations and sample drills. It is adaptable to all ages and can be used by both male and female hockey players.

Look for The Hockey Conditioning Handbook on this site and get training!